Why continuing your studies

Why continuing your studies

How many times have you asked yourself the question, "Why do I have to study?" Maybe before an exam or prompted by your parents.

Have you ever searched for an answer to this question?

In this section, we try to give you some good reasons why you can invest your time and energy to build your future.

The Italian higher education system offers different opportunities that would suit your attitudes, passions, and dreams. We live in the society of knowledge and, despite of what we had thought until some time ago, theory and practice can no longer be separated. In other words, it's not enough to know how to do something: it's essential to know before doing it.

Think about agriculture, livestock, and old trades passed down from generation to generation in the workshops; there are still many in Italy that constitute the lifeblood of our country's economic system. Today, nobody is able to do without technologies and in-depth knowledge. Therefore, it's up to you to decide if you want or not to be the protagonist of the knowledge in your possession, or if you just want to use it passively, maybe with a scroll on your devices.

We'll provide you with some data to help you make your decision.

How many people have a job?

ragazzi sall'ateneo

82.1% of graduates have a job, then 70.3% of those with a high school diploma have a job, and only 51.4% of those who stopped their education path at the lower secondary school have a job

data referring to the population between 25 and 64 years old in 2021 - Source: ISTAT).

If I graduate, do I earn more?

On average, those with a degree earn 37% more than those with only a high school diploma.

(Source: OECD - Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development - 2018)

The higher the level of education is, the greater the likelihood of employment is.

According to the Istat report on levels of education and occupational returns in 2021, the employment rate of those who have obtained a high school diploma is almost 20% higher than those who have a lower secondary education.

(Istat - Report on Levels of Education and Occupational Returns

What I study today will be useful for me tomorrow.

Continuing to study not only helps you gain knowledge but also teaches you how to learn, so you will be never caught unprepared in the future. Studying offers you the opportunity to keep adapting to changing circumstances throughout your entire life. If you don't acquire this flexibility, in a few years, you may find yourself unable to keep up with technological and social progress.

The 'right to education' is a set of concrete initiatives.

Studying is a sacrifice for both students and their families: this is a fact. But, as we have seen, it is a sacrifice that is well rewarded. And, from an economic point of view, it is an effort that can be made lighter by eliminating taxes (no-tax area) or reducing university fees, providing scholarships and accommodation in university dormitories. We're not saying it's all easy, but before giving up on the idea of continuing your studies, you should be informed about the facilitations you could obtain.

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